Israel India | Business Guide | 2017

Tensiometer EC pH NO 3 Agri Project establishment including running Higher profits Better yields Greater savings Get to market BEFORE your competitors For further details/cooperation, contact us: P.O.B. 7526 Yokneam 2068323 Israel Phone: +972-4-9890675 Mob: + 972-505-374646 E-mail: Saving of 30% of water and 40% of fertilizer At least 5% yield increase Demonstration in YOUR farm (To those suitable candidates who fill out the questionnaire) Worldwide Innovation protected by patents Communication with plants via the root system Autonomous Command system for irrigation and fertilization via drip systems NEW Service: irrigation and fertilizer management! Fast water movement Slow water movement Diffused+gravity water movement Gravity characterization The only company in the world that irrigates based on roots oxygen availability rather than conventional methods (ET, soil moisture and other set points)

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