Israel Africa | Business Guide | 2020

Niso Bezalel Dr. Ayala Wittner Dear Readers, T he Israel-AfricaChamber ofCommerce initiates, fosters and integrates trade relations between Israel and Sub- Saharan Africa. Rooted inover half a century of Israeli-African trade, we provide up-to-date information, metrics, andmarket data to help thebusiness communities in both regions leverage new resources, locate new opportunities and trade partners to form collaborations Withmore than 20 African countries rated by theWorld Economic Forumto have business potential, our acumen delivers tremendous benefits to both Israeli andAfrican partners. The Israel-Africa Chamber of Commerce assists Israeli and African companies in pinpointing relevant commercial counterparts; handles business enquiries from Israeli andAfrican companies seeking to establish local commercial ties; holds business conferences and meetings on marketing, finance, privatization, and investment; assists in organizing trade delegations to and from African countries; facilitates individual visits; provides and arranges financing solutions and provides valuable assistance in all cooperative efforts between the two region. We welcome companies on both sides to avail of our services. Niso Bezalel President Israel-Africa Chamber of Commerce Dear Readers, T he Israel-AfricaChamber of Commerce, a valuedmember of The Israel Federation of Bi-National Chambers of Commerce, maintains close ties with affiliate Chambers in Africa, and with other trade-and-foreign- related authorities and organizations in Israel. Facilitating business enquiries from Israeli and African companies seeking to establish commercial ties with their counterparts. Initiating and organizingbusiness conferences and meetings related to marketing, finance, privatization and investments. Assisting in organizing business and trade delegations to various countries in Africa and for countries fromSub-SaharanAfrica in Israel. The Israel-Africa Chamber of Commerce facilitates successful projects in a vast range of fields, including: Telecom, IT, Cyber, Satellite communications, Defense, security systems, intelligence, and homeland security, Infrastructure, Land, Sea, and Air Transportation, Oil and petroleum products, Energy, Water, water management, and P 2 W, Agriculture and irrigation, Health andmedicine, Education, Banking, investment, and acquisitions, Media and strategic communications, And more. We invite you to join us and make the most of the economic opportunities awaiting you in both Israel and Africa. Dr. AyalaWittner CEO Israel-Africa Chamber of Commerce 11

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