Israel Africa | Business Guide | 2020

T-sh irts Reaching the right people is crucial – alongside the formal executives, one canfind informal or traditional leaders whose word counts when it comes to signing a contract in the relevant region. Some groundwork done in advance might help. Co-work habits Israelis usually put their minds together in efforts to creatively solve problems, adapting quickly to new situations. They oftenwork in teams to address new challenges. An Israeli workplace could be very open, friendly, and, at times, subject to randombursts of lively conversation. Communication b e t we e n c o l l e a g u e s i s straightforward, and one’s colleagues might interrupt you, not because of a lack of interest or respect for what you are saying, but because of their enthusiasmto relate and share experiences. Contrary opinions are welcome and often expressed, in free-flowing brainstorming sessions. However, the last word will be that of the manager and this will be accepted. Their business partners are expected by them to act in the same way, expressing potential challenges and discussingdifferentways to overcome them. Israelis also value flexibility in work processes and suggestions about solving problems-are highly valued. >>> All in all, Africa is 30 million square miles of cultural diversity. It is quite diverse and not static, and has been impacted upon by both internal and external forces. The result is a continent with a broad mixture of language and etiquette. Getting acquainted with a foreign culturecouldcausethebusinessperson some frustration. However, although methods of communication differ significantly, business objectivesmay be common, and people would have their commonalities. is not "the partner's fault" but is part of the local political pacewhich isway beyond the partner's control. It would also be useful to plan properly and thoroughly to overcome technical and logistic challenges such as time spent waiting for a visa, time spent on the road due to road and infrastructure issues, etc. 19

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